Biggest D
by KickTools

Highlight and showcase your contributing viewers on Kick with this fully customizable, themeable, Gifted Sub Leaderboard Widget.

Biggest D Model Logo
Biggest D Model Logo

Show off
those Big D's

Biggest D allows you to show off optional Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Lifetime leaderboards on your livestream. Live visual notifications when new gift subs take place keeping your leaderboards up to date to the second.

A look at Biggest D Leaderboards

Previewing the Themes - Default

Left Arrow
Top Gifter 1,245 Gifted
Lifetime Leader
JackNicholson 1,245
StNick 251
4 harry_man 123
5 HughGRested 101
6 jonsonAndJohnson 92
7 mAd_doNNa 49
8 SurelyTemple 27
9 sleepyjoe 5
10 MrsCraven 2
Right Arrow