Chat Stats v1.2

Display Views:


Click to copy URL


  • Enter your Kick username (case insensitive)
  • Enter # of Top Chatters to display
  • Chose a background and font color from the color pickers
  • Note - Transparency slider is available for the background color

Display View Setup:

  • Use the checkboxes to turn on or off the display view of individual stats (default on)

E-Mail Submission

  • Optional - Provide your e-mail to get future updates, promotions and information about KickTools.

OBS Setup:

  • Select scene for Chat Stats widget
  • Add browser source, name it "Chat Stats"
  • Paste widget URL from KickTools
  • Use custom CSS for further customization
  • Save and position Chat Stats on overlay
  • Copy/Paste reference to use Chat Stats on other scenes