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Follower Goal Progress Bar

Kick Follower Goal Progress Bar - A highly customizable follow goal overlay for your Kick stream
AyyBabz creations for Kick.com streamers and other streaming platforms. To support further development click here


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Follower Goal Setup

Set Up Directions

  • Type in your Kick Username
  • Enter the text for your follower goal text
  • Enter a number for your goal
  • Select the background colors for your bar *selecting 2 colors will make it gradient
  • Choose a font
  • Select a font color
  • Choose the size "in text and height" you want the bar
  • Select whether or not you want the Kick logo before the text
OBS Setup
  • In a scene you want to include the follower goal, add a browser source, name it Follow Goal Overlay, and paste the URL into the URL Box that pops up.
  • Preferably set the height to 100px and the width determines the length your bar will be. 600px is ideal
  • Drag where you want your follower goal to appear on your obs layout
  • If you would like to include the follower goal on other scenes you can simply right click and copy the follow goal overlay and paste it on other scenes
  • Note - resizing the bar in OBS by dragging it bigger or smaller will cause the scaling to be off. Use width in browser source to make bigger or smaller