Beta Setup

Timer Control
H Spacing: 5
V Spacing: 0
Bar Background:
Size: 5
Border: 1
Click to copy URL


  • Enter your Kick username (case insensitive)
  • Enter a text for your Timer Display
  • Enter the length of your Launch countdown timer in seconds (max 99 minutes 59 seconds)
  • If you want the timer to loop/restart check Loop Time

Style Setup:

  • Using the color pickers to style your Launch
  • NOTE - Background supports transparency with the slider
  • Use the Dark BG checkbox to toggle light or dark bar background
  • Using the sliders, style your size and border radius for Launch

OBS Setup:

  • Select scene for Launch
  • Add a browser source and name it Launch
  • Paste widget URL from KickTools
  • Utilize custom CSS for additional customization if desired. See question mark for more help
  • Ensure "Shutdown source when not visible" is CHECKED for optimal use
  • Save and position Launch on your overlay
  • Copy/Paste reference to use Launch on other scenes

Starting Soon
0 0 : 0 0 : 0 0