AyyBabz creations
for Kick.com streamers
and other streaming platforms. To support further development
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Widget Preview
Icon Previews
Set Up Directions
Use preview text to help line up font with social logo and preview what your font will look like
Choose a size, font and shadow options for your social media overlay from the drop down options
Use vertical adjustment to line up your socials text with the logo - Some fonts render differently than others
From the Socials drop down, pick the social media platforms you want to use for the widget. Select one or more than one and they will generate below the drop down.
Choose an animation direction for the widget.
OBS Setup
In a scene you want to include the social media rotator widget, add a browser source, name it Socials, and
paste the URL into the URL Box that pops up and hit OK
Drag where you want the widget to appear on your obs layout
If you would like to include the social media rotator widget on other scenes you can simply right click and copy
the socials overlay and paste it on other scenes