Voyce !
By KickTools

Instant feedback from the voices that matter! Your viewers! An on-the-fly polling widget for Kick streamers

Voyce Model Logo
Voyce Model Logo 2

Tailor To
Your Needs

Optional timer, customizable colors and 4 modes to choose from. Including scoring, yes or no, 1 or 2 and the highly underrated fire words mode. Chat commands available to reset or switch modes on the fly!

Closer look at Voyce modes

Voyce offers four distinct modes tailored to elevate your streaming experience. The scoring mode captures audience sentiment with precision, calculating average scores from 0 to 10, including decimal places. In yes or no mode, Voyce tallies unique viewer responses, providing instant feedback on audience opinions. Similarly, the 1 or 2 mode offers the same functionality, counting 1s and 2s instead. Lastly, fire words mode delves into chat analytics, revealing the most frequently used words, enabling streamers to stay abreast of trending topics and viewer preferences.

Thonify Preview

Easy as
1, 2, 3 . . . 4

Setting up Voyce is a breeze. Just select your scene, add a browser source named "Voyce," and paste the widget URL from KickTools. Customize with CSS if desired and check "Shutdown source when not visible" for optimal use. Save and position Voyce on your overlay, then copy/paste the reference for use on other scenes. As for chat commands, use "!vreset" to clear and restart Voyce, and "!vmode" followed by a number (1-4) to change polling modes instantly. That's it!